Monday Musings: Giving Thanks

Thursday is Thanksgiving. Whether you celebrate this holiday or not, it is important to take time and give thanks. Tomorrow is not promised. The coronavirus pandemic has reminded us all of this fact. Today is a great day to pause and thank people who love you and have supported you.

Here’s my list:

My husband

Thank you for helping me troubleshoot any technology issues I had so I could work from home on the days I needed to work from home. Thanks for your listening ear when I just needed to rant and vent about the day.

My children

Thanks for being understanding when my focus was on the students in my school and not on you. I know it is not fair that you have to share your mom with the 500+ students in my school building. I know you might not fully understand all the responsibilities I have as a school administrator, but I appreciate your patience and having a hug waiting for me when the day ends.

Mom and Dad

Thanks for letting me vent to you and for your constant concern about my health and well-being. It is appreciated.

First responders and health care workers

Thank you for risking your life each and every day to care for patients including those who might not have taken the coronavirus pandemic safety. Thank you for showing up day after day even though you might have to reuse PPE or spend another night away from your families because your place of employment is short staffed.

My principal

Thanks for allowing me to work from home for part of each week to allow me to complete both my responsibilities at my job and my responsibilities as a parent with children learning remotely.

My team

I couldn’t ask for a better team of teachers to supervise. Thanks for allowing me to help you all grow professionally. Thanks for checking on me to see if I’m okay.


Thanks for the laughter and the love. You all are my chosen family. 


Thanks to all parents who are trying to navigate remote learning, their jobs, and other responsibilities they have. I know you didn’t sign up for this, but I see your efforts and appreciate you.

My sons’ teacher

I know having identical twins, well my twins, in one class can pose a challenge. Thanks for keeping them engaged and holding them accountable for their learning even when they may not be showing up as their best selves.

Internet friends

Thanks to the three people, who wish to remain anonymous, who donated to me so I could buy face masks for my students. We have never met in person, but I appreciate this more than you’ll ever know.

Faithful followers

I don’t know what is special about me that people want to follow me and read what I write, but I thank you for your support.

Praying saints

I am scheduled for surgery in a couple of weeks, but I have to test negative for COVID-19 for the surgery to proceed. There are so many people who have been praying for my peace of mind and praying that I will test negative. Thanks!

This pandemic sucks. (I know you were probably looking for me to address it in a more elegant way.) However, we don’t have to succumb to it with negativity. From this day forward commit to thanking at least one person each day.


  1. Dear ‘Educator Barnes’,

    You are Blessed and continue to be so.

    Your post reminds me, also, to stick to my ‘Narrative’ for thankfulness.
    (and that has nothing to with Pilgrims and turkeys)

    I could easily copy n’ paste your list and still be in my lane of gratefulness!
    All the love in the universe to you and your family.
    Be safe my cousin!


  2. And we Thank You for sharing your life with us! Praying for you. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes WE ARE HEALED. (Isaiah 53:5)

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