Monday Musings: Stepping Out and Sharing Knowledge

Admittedly, I am an introvert. Please don’t confuse this with me being shy. I’m definitely not shy, but I have always been a behind the scenes type of lady. If I had to be up front, I would do it. I wouldn’t be nervous, but I actively made an effort to stay behind the scenes.

Teacher Self-Care Annual Conference 2018

Now, that almost seems impossible. Over the last couple of years, people have invited me to share my knowledge or work through giving presentations or participating on panels. This has been humbling. I did not think much about it until I started getting compensated. There’s a part of me that has trouble with accepting that people want to pay me to share what is in my brain. I don’t always see myself the way other people see me.

After the last presentation I did in January, a few attendees asked why I didn’t have a business card. I keep hearing this, and I kept blowing off until last week. After every presentation, I have given someone wants my contact information. I finally ordered some cards especially since I have a logo now. Which is something else I put off until several teacherpreneurs stayed on my case about branding myself. I also was motivated by a couple of people who lifted my stuff. Don’t steal people!

Even if you can’t see your potential, don’t be afraid to step out there because you never know what opportunities you might miss. That’s what I have been doing even though I don’t fully understand why people want to hear from me. That’s stepping out on faith. I have updated my website to include my past and upcoming engagements.

Click here to see what I have done and what’s next for me!


  1. They want to hear you because there are so few that do it from the heart and not for political or so called religious gains.  Plus you are cheap and local : ).     Don’t ever let your success lose the real you.  Keep up the good job!Love,Aunt Sue

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